Friday, March 11, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011

Create a Plane in the Top viewport. Right click on the Move tool and set the Plane's Absolute Coordinates to [0,0,0]. Change to the Modify tab and set the size of the Plane to 2000 by 2000 units with Length Segs and Width Segs set to 100 each.
Add a Noise modifier to the Plane and set it's Z strength to 500 units. Turn the Scale up on the Noise modifier to about 500 so that the Plane looks like rolling hills. Use Zoom Extents All (viewport controls) to zoom out in all windows so that you can see the Plane in all windows.
Add a Target Camera to the scene in the Top viewport dragging it's Target to the center of the Plane. Change the Perspective view to the Camera view by making the perspective view active and pressing C on the keyboard. Use the Camera viewport controls (bottom right hand corner - only use Orbit, Truck, and Dolly) to adjust the position on the Camera to a view that looks good. Change back to the Create tab and select Sphere. Above Sphere in the Create tab you can see a check box named AutoGrid, turn it on. This will allow you to create objects on top of other objects.
In the Camera viewport add a Sphere to the scene that will become the base of the snowman. Choose Move and holding down the Shift key drag a copy of the Sphere straight up using the Z handle of the Move Gizmo, ask for 2 copies. Change back to the Modify tab and using the Radius slidder adjust the size of the Spheres so that they are the correct size for the snowman. Choose the Move tool and adjust their position so that the snowman looks like a snowman (make sure you only move the Spheres on the Z axis).
Use Zoom Extents All again so that you can see all of your objects in all of the views. In the Top viewport select the Camera and change to the Modify tab.
In the Parameters rollout turn on Environment Ranges and set the Far Range to about 3000 units. Press 8 on the keyboard to open the Environment and Effects dialog box.
In the Atmosphere area press the Add button and add Fog. You can now close the dialog box. Finally add a white material to all of the objects.
And you have done this work! ! This is a really cool~~~